Mental Health issues commonly experienced by residents. Six learning modules for Residential Aged Care staff.

Course Content
Grief and Loss in Older Adults
Read Instructions for Grief and Loss in Older Adults Module
What is Grief and Loss?
01:39 -
Grief can be a natural response to loss?
The difference between Grief and Depression
Identify ways that grief can be expressed
Signs and Symptoms of Grief
Unresolved grief can often lead to
Grief in Older Adults
Anticipatory grief refers to a feeling of grief occurring before an impending loss.
Grief Causes
Grief Counselling
Components of Grief Counselling
Case Study
Only Older Adults experience Grief and Loss due to their long lived experience.
‘Responsive Behaviours’ Behaviours as a Form of Communication
Read Instructions for ‘Responsive Behaviours’ Behaviours as a Form of Communication Module
Responsive Behaviours
01:26 -
Identifying responsive behaviours
Behaviour Record
Agitation 1
Agitation 2
Non-verbal Communication as a sign of distress
Agitation 3
Agitation 4
Agitation 5
Simple Strategies when care giving
Agitation 6
Summary and References
Recognising Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults
Read Instructions for Recognising Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults
Common links + factors
01:27 -
What 2 things can be linked to depression and anxiety in older people
Anxiety in Older People
Select 2 signs of anxiety you might notice in a resident
Depression in Older People
Depression and Ageing 1
Depression and Ageing 2
Dementia and Depression
Depression and Dementia
Depression and Behaviour
Next steps…. Referral to Better Place Australia and References
Residential Aged Care Facilities Psychological Services- Better Place Australia
Read Instructions for Residential Aged Care Facilities Psychological Services- Better Place Australia Module
Residential Aged Care Facilities Psychological Services
01:40 -
Anxiety & Depression is normal in Older Adults
Individual Counselling
When would you refer a resident for a group program
Better Place Australia Serviceswill not cover
A resident with Dementia has depression or anxiety
Who can benefit from Residential Aged Care Psychological Services?
The risk factors for older people
Who should be referred to Psychological Services?
When would you refer a resident for counselling
Discuss the Referral with the Resident and/or family and Refernces
Comorbidity: Mental Health and Physical Health
Read Instructions for Comorbidity: Mental Health and Physical Health Module
01:07 -
The relationship between Physical and Mental Health
More to consider about Comorbidity
The relationship between Eating and Mental Health
Summary and References
Conditions that look like dementia
Read Instructions for Conditions that look like Dementia Module
Conditions that look like dementia
01:02 -
Choose 3 common symptoms of Dementia that can interfere with a person’s everyday life
What is Pseudodementia?
There are many conditions that can produce symptoms that look like Dementia
Pseudodementia- Causes
What is the most common cause of pseudodementia
Sally, a resident you have been supporting, is referring more often to objects in her room as “that thing”
Assessment challenges
A person with Pseudodementia (caused by depression) is ______ to deny having problems with their memory
Treatment for Pseudodementia
Pseudodementia is often reversible?
Communication Tips
Bruce is complaining about forgetting where he is putting things and he appears more irritable and agitated than usual. It appears to you that Bruce is showing symptoms similar to Dementia.
Summary points and References
00:35 -
Optional videos for further learning
17:19 -
Course Completion